
I'm Willow and I'm a 25+ nonbinary (he/they), neurodivergent, freelance artist. I work in the health care field and I encourage everyone to stay safe in these difficult times.I make mostly TWEWY content and enjoy playing D&D. I play a lot of rhythm games. Sometimes I live stream art on Twitch.I mainly focus on drawing art of Hanekoma Sanae and doing analysis posts for TWEWY as a whole. I am more than happy to talk with you on DM if you have any questions!I am a firm believer that you can be friends and get along with people who like ships or content you do not.
if there are ships you have that i don't care for, that's great. you do you. I don't really care so long as you aren't hurting anyone and not doing anything illegal. so long as you are being safe and mindful of people around you (putting content warnings ect...) , it shouldn't be anyone else's business.

Commissions are currently: closed

these are my people
@Black_Quadrant ♥ @Fate's_overrated

BYFBecause TWEWY is a game of interpretation and a lot of it is up to how you want to view things: if you are someone who views Joshua Kiryu as a minor or see him in a familial relationship with Hanekoma, then please consider not following me.I do not and have never considered Joshua to be a minor.
I consider the Unholy Trio (composer, conductor and producer) to all be consenting adults. i have always believed Joshua died in his mid 20's because of how his Composer form is an adult. because of this, ships like JoshNeku make me uncomfortable because it is minor/adult in my eyes because of my interpretation of the game. if you disagree, that's great. You are entitled to your view of the game entitled to your interpretation of ships.
no one is in the wrong
Joshua's age has been a subject of contention for 14 years within the community and I am too tired to deal with it anymore.
Joshua's age has been kept vague in the game on purpose so it caters to you.